Membership Benefits


Membership is open to data scientists, scientists, students, academicians, and others interested in science and the data science profession. Membership is available under three categories namely Academic Professional and Corporate Professional and Student.

Membership Benefits

– Free access to quarterly newsletter containing cutting edge updates in this domain

– Discounted rate on workshops and Certification programmes on disruptive technologies, conducted by experts

– Discounted registration fee to the flagship International Conference on Data

  Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI).

– Access to global list of mentors, especially for students to jointly undertake   writing of papers, developing projects and open source packages

– Funding for quality student member’s innovative ideas

– Opportunity to deliver workshop/training in collaboration with Society for Data Science (S4DS)

– Opportunity for networking with the S4DS members  

Establish a Student Chapter

A Student Chapter can be established at any institution with 25 Student members and 03 Professional members.

Benefits of Students Chapter

      Organizing events at S4DS Student Chapter shall help members develop administrative, technical, managerial and humanitarian skills.

      Establish a center of excellence on many disruptive technologies.

      Conduct Certification Programmes on disruptive technologies.

      Resource and promotional support for Workshop, Lectures, Seminars, Conferences etc.

      Organize Faculty Development Programmes and Technical Training Programmes.

      Opportunity to organize activities to develop entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills, soft skills and other skill development activities.

      Opportunity to host or become partner in organizing the International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI), a flagship conference of S4DS

      Networking with the S4DS team and other Student Chapters, may help in projects and placements.

–     Association with Technical Professional Body shall help in receiving recognition by Accreditation bodies.

Annual Membership  Fee  

Sr. No.

Membership Category       

Membership Fee




Academic Professional member

3600 Rs

100 USD


Corporate Professional Member

4200 Rs

120 USD



500 Rs

15 USD


  Note: Membership fee needs to be renewed every year